Sunday, October 02, 2005
About Me
- Name: Kathy
Be then thine own home, and in thyself dwell; Inn anywhere; continuance maketh hell. And seeing the snail, which everywhere doth roam, Carrying his own house still, still is at home; Follow—for he is easy paced—this snail, Be thine own palace, or the world's thy gaol. ~John Donne
Previous Posts
- Go 'Noles!
- Globe Trotting
- "You Can't Go Home Again"
- I'll Never Complain About a 'Cane Again
- Hey Katrina! A Word In Your Ear, er, Eye, whateve...
- Gearing Up to Lerne and Teche (Gladly)
- Sarah emailed me some photos of my little loves, a...
- Back Through the Haunted Looking Glass
- On Break in Hot Muggy Tally
- 'Bye Summer! Hello Fall!
Jeezo peezo, I threw this post up and they were all over me like leeches in five seconds. This is starting to be a pain in the arse!
That does it. I'm filing a complaint with Blogspot. When I find the time.
Four were there for me; I wounded two and killed two. I love the picture of Bailey in front of the Westcott building -- very picturesque spot.
She sure was, and kept me in stitches, too. We were acting out fairytales and after several energetic ones, I requested "Sleeping Beauty" so I could play the lead and lie down. Bailey broke into peals of laughter. "C'mon Grandma, who would want to kiss YOU?" Then she suddenly stopped and looked stricken, as if she realized I might get my feelings hurt. So she explained very carefully, "It's just because you're so old" which made me feel lots better.
I bought the camera over the internet after doing some research into good starter digital cameras. When it came I was surprised to see that it's about the size of one third of a deck of cards -- reminds me of the spy camera ads in the old comics -- but it really does take great pictures.
Well it's good to hear, or see, your voice again . . . you are about ready to cross the pond, aren't you?
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