Monday, August 08, 2005

'Bye Summer! Hello Fall!

The six weeks term is over; now I have to jump into setting up the independent study on Ghost Stories in Victorian Fiction – which should be fun. I have to get to the library and work up a bibliography and some sort of specific focus to submit to Dr. F. They are pretty loosey-goosey here compared to Rollins, which requires an 8-page form with detailed descriptions and four signatures, in by deadline to do an independent study. Here it’s a one-page form, turn it in whenever.

At the end of this week or early next week I’ll find out what I’m teaching this fall. In the meantime there are things like writing guides that I know I’ll use no matter what, so I’ll work on those as well.

And I want to have a shot at submitting a paper proposal for a conference next March, so that’s the third thing on the agenda during this break.

Rob (ex-Bob’s son by his second marriage) and his roomie brought their stuff by to store here. They took courses in this past six-week session, and have to move completely out of the dorm and then move back in before the term starts August 29, which is crazy; so I offered to let them park their stuff in my largely empty and unused living room. He’s a very nice kid and I hope he has a good experience up here.


Blogger Kathy said...

Ta ever so! Yes, that's Edward Gorey and he did do the artwork for "Mystery" -- I adore him. At one point I had the house from the credits as my desktop picture. Doo gives me his books from time to time . . . he designed the sets for "Dracula" on Broadway -- how cool is that?

12:30 PM  

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