Thursday, July 14, 2005

Adding Pictures Gets Easier

No more going through "Hello" -- just click the picture icon when composing a new post. Here are my angels celebrating Phia's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's.

So Chuck, where we headin' tonight?

International Cheese Festival and Monster truck rally? You're kidding, right?

Okay! Chick flick and art museum! Yeah! You're the best!


Blogger Kathy said...

Nothing to learn anymore, Toots -- when you're creating a new post, click on the picture icon in the top right hand side of the new blog toolbar; it will let you browse for the picture on your harddrive. Give it a whirl!

6:49 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

LOL! That sounds hilarious to me, too! I can just picture it.

Theme park pictures -- we'd always examine ours but not buy unless they were too good to pass up. One shows me and the three weird sisters with the identical wide-open smiling scream as the Hulk supercoaster flings us around like dishrags.

The other's from the Tower of Terror. Kara and I look as complacent as two ladies at high tea, Sam looks apprehensive, but at the back, in a jump seat, is Sarah looking abjectly terrified and clinging for her dear life to the next seat.

11:31 AM  

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