Monday, July 04, 2005

Life's exhausting when you're almost two. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Kathy said...

Yeah, they look so angelic you can't believe it's the same kid!

10:04 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Me, too -- like to bottle that and sell it . . .

6:44 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Since you're not fishing for dates, I can't think it matters what pictures you publish, and you've got some lovely "what happened" pictures so go for it. I can get pictures on my posts, but I haven't figured out how to put one on my profile. I was going to use Degas' "Absinthe Drinker."

Apparently, when it comes to internet dating services, the internet is the world's biggest repository of "what happened" photos. I read a funny article the other day about the ways people misrepresent themselves on dating services; and there's one now where people who got burned by misrepresentation can post that dater's screenname and tell the truth about him/her.

People mostly lie, apparently, about age, height and hair (men) and weight (women).

8:58 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Hey, silly's the best part!

9:57 PM  

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