Monday, September 05, 2005

Globe Trotting

Of course the best news of all, that Sherry's fine, and the bonus that 1109 weathered the storm so well, has made everyone's weekend. Courtesy of cousin David Zehender, Mom and Dad heard about and its power to show us virtually any place on the planet; so I downloaded the free version and plugged in 1109's full address. Our beautiful green and blue globe appeared, as seen from space over the USA, and then the view began to zoom into the south, then the Gulf, and before I knew it I saw the railroad tracks, the playing field, and there, nestled on the corner under some trees, sat 1109. My view was very grainy; I couldn't, as Aunt Marvel reported, read license plates or identify someone in the yard, and I don't know whether that's due to my connection, weather conditions, using the free versus the fee version of the software, or what. But nonetheless it seemed miraculous. I plugged in Mom and Dad's address and watched the view back up, zoom across to Texas, and down again into Austin. There was their condo. Next I flew over to Winter Park to see my old (now Haley's) apartment. And finally, I zoomed over the Atlantic to Jolly Old England for a look at St. Paul's.

Just amazing. "The age we live in," as Dad said.

Getting my online courses up and running has made for a hectic week -- only 2 students dropped, so that meant reading about 175 posts in addition to everything else. My connectivity at home is not good so I've been living in the graduate computer lab at the library. But that's another post.


Blogger Kathy said...

I had read in two places that the storm surge went over the CSX tracks and I felt a sickening fear that 1109 wasn't there anymore. I thought of all the love and good food and good times -- slumber parties with Stevie extemporising "Sleepy Town" to our immense delight; playing games in the mimosa tree (if we didn't get up in the branches when a car passed, we'd die horrible deaths); and so many others.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

This gives new meaning to "Big Brother's Watching" -- because of course it's entirely different when EVERYONE can watch. I feel like waving up at the sky everytime I go outside.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Three years old? Dang. I thought it was more or less live -- Aunt Marvel said she saw Tom in the yard of her house -- she knew he had been going over there to inspect. ??

7:24 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

You're right, Joe, they're at least two years old. I'm at home now where I dunna . . . have . . . the POWERRR to look for a site that has current images and some user-friendliness. Still think Google Earth is damn cool, though.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Yeah, a little nosing around also reveals that Google Earth did come in for some criticism about security, and so some images are monkeyed with in addition to all of them being old. And who can blame them, I suppose. Still and all, it's a way cool site and loads o' fun to play with.

8:17 PM  

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