I'll Never Complain About a 'Cane Again
I don't have much to say -- just got tired of looking at my previous post with its invitation (albeit innocently made) to disaster!
Watching the news online, being sans TV:
That's the frontpage of the Times-Picayune online.
Live news feed from Baton Rouge:
(remove space before wmPlayer)
and a neat site of our good old Causeway -- deserted now except for a couple of police cars, it seems:
Prayers and good wishes to everyone in its path.
Thank heavens it was not as bad as it could have been -- but bad enough. It will take them a long time to get back to normal from this one.
Me, too. If this isn't a wake-up call on many levels, maybe we deserve to become extinct. If the past two years are part of a beginning trend, and it seems we'd be criminally stupid not to at least consider how we'd deal if they turn out to be -- we better do a number of things. Short term, have better disaster planning at every level (I know that serious hurricane preplanning will be part of my life as long as I'm in range); and long term, stop dismissing warnings from scientists like the NOAA report.
. . . but apparently this recent activity is not global warming induced, according to this article from the NY Times:
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/30/ national/30cycle.html
It's just nature being herself.
I am trying to find information on the internet but all I can see is that everyone's in the same boat -- worried about their Gulf coast relatives and not hearing anything. I think it will be toward the end of the week before we do. I did hear a report from an eyewitness who said that the damage in Gulfport starts a short distance down the highway from I-10 toward the beach. Since Aunt Sherry was staying at Steve and Marilyn's, which is on the other side of I-10 from the beach, she will be okay. The question is how 1109 and Jared fared.
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