Thursday, April 26, 2012

The End. And the Beginning of the Second Act.

It's been a long time since I posted here -- close to five years, but tomorrow night I walk up on the stage at the Civic Center and get hooded by Dr. Fenstermaker.  Where did the time go?   No matter; it's done.  Was it worth it?  I think so.  I received a lot of gifts from this endeavor, apart from the letters after my name. I was able to be a student (formally) one last time, and I loved it.  Every single class.  I feel as though this experience plugged me into the changing world and the future in a way I wouldn't have been, had I not come up here.  I got the gift of film, and again I'm not sure I would have ever engaged with it as an art form without having taught MC Film.  And almost best of all, Sam and Dannon came up here, and Sam's close to finishing her master's and planning to get her doctorate in History.  I was able to be involved daily in the lives of two of my grandchildren. 

And it was certainly an interesting diversion from menopause.

So now I sail out into the final third of my life (here's hoping it's that much, anyway; I know every year after 55 is a gift), in some ways a different person from the one who came up here and started the program -- and this blog.


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