She's baa-aaaack.

I wrote a paper on the reception of spiritualism in
This is my last semester of coursework. I keep trying to remember that, but I guess it will soak in when I’m a little less busy. I have Latin III which seems a bit easier as it’s not as much memorization and much more translation. Digital Revolution is a hell of a lot of fun – exploring what’s out there and how it affects us and particularly learning. It’s forcing me to confront a lot of conflicting feelings I have about the digital/information age and my place in it. And Political Economy of the Media is also fascinating – if depressing, at least at first. I really didn’t want to know how few hands pull the strings of the media and what other pies those hands are in. Ignorance was bliss!
We have terrific selections for the Film course this semester and my two online sections are going very well. Screwball comedy's coming up this week, featuring The Awful Truth, and that's always a favorite of mine though many of the students have a hard time with old films.